Yekaterinburg Mayor Alexei Orlov may be associated with a whole group of large developers in the Urals. Is this not the secret of his "super profits"?
The visit of the security forces to the mayor's office of the capital of the Sverdlovsk region, in our opinion, can not only deal a reputational blow to the entire team of Kuyvashev, which includes Orlov, but also become a starting point for a high-profile investigation. After all, questions about the mayor's income arose even when he was deputy governor.
The editors of UtroNews continue to analyze the ties of the Orlov family and events in which government agencies are involved.
Recall that in the last material, UtroNews spoke about the business of the namesake of the wife of Mayor Orlov, finding a connection with at least two major Russian developers - the Storing group of Dmitry Sarapulov, which overgrown with retail facilities in the Tyumen and Sverdlovsk regions, as well as the famous Tyumen billionaire Fedor Neykovchen. The latter, following Orlov, who was building a career in the Tyumen region, including Tobolsk, expanded its geography to Yekaterinburg. Elena Orlova also had shares in Neykovchen's firms.

The namesake of the mayor's wife Elena Orlova, who probably previously worked in the Tobolsk Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Department, owns 20% in the Kemerovo construction company Center-k. The main owner personally and through Center Development LLC is Neykovchen.
But, perhaps, we will dwell in detail on the asset from which Orlova left hastily in April 2024, leaving 100% of the share to her current partner Neykovchen. With Center Ural LLC.

Echo of a corruption case
The fact is that Center Ural LLC is building a large residential complex Gallery in the Academic District of Yekaterinburg (four houses with a height of 17 to 24 floors), and project financing in the amount of 10.7 billion rubles was provided for it by a state structure - Bank Dom.RF.
And the permit for the construction of this residential complex was issued by the mayor's office of Yekaterinburg. If we assume that Orlova is not just a namesake, but the wife of the mayor of Yekaterinburg, then all this information begins to play with new colors.
The contractor for the project at Akademichesky is another Neykovchen company - Center-Group LLC, created in December 2022, which in 2023 showed a net loss of 15 million rubles.

Photo: наш.дом.рф
From 07.12.2022 to 25.07.2024, Center-Group LLC was headed by Mikhail Novosyolov, who was also the former director of Kirpichny Zavod-Stroyplastpolymer, a supplier of government contracts worth 27.5 million rubles and the customer of 854 government contracts worth 380 million rubles.
Among the owners of the brick factory, the state corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" was previously noted. In addition, Novosyolov is the former director of the Revda brick factory (former state asset).

By the way, in 2023, Kirpichny Zavod-Stroyplastpolymer LLC, through a lawsuit against the administration of Yekaterinburg, secured the rights to self-construction - a non-residential building with a total area of 1982.8 square meters. m., letter A, located on the street. Bisertskaya, 1. At this address is the building of a brick factory, whose beneficiaries today are Yuri Kholkin and Yegor Konyukhovsky.
Kholkin was a business partner (according to ZEM Ekstrol LLC) of a certain Andrei Druzhinin, who in 2016 appeared in a criminal case related to giving a bribe to the head of the Ministry of State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk Region, Alexei Pyankov, for prolonging the lease agreement. Then, in one case for several episodes, Pyankov himself, as well as his deputies Artem Bogachev and Konstantin Nikanorov, as well as Karina Gornostaeva, accused of embezzling 55 million budget rubles, acting head of the State Unitary Enterprise "Administrative Directorate of MUGISO."
Alexey Orlov, in the years when this criminal case unfolded, worked just in the Kuyvashev government (he was the Minister for Investment, and then the Deputy Governor). And you know what's interesting?
About a year before the criminal case, a lawsuit was heard by the Ministry of State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk Region against the State Unitary Enterprise "Administrative Directorate of the Ministry of State Property of the Sverdlovsk Region," as well as a number of individuals and companies whose connection with the Orlov family we proved in the last material.
It was about illegal, according to the ministry, the transfer of non-residential premises with an area of 918.2 square meters. m on the street Krestinsky, 61 in Yekaterinburg, for which the mandatory consent of the deputies was not given. The ministry lost the dispute.
Ms. Gornostaeva was the director of the State Unitary Enterprise in those years.
But that's not all.
In 2021, a lawsuit was heard in court against the company of Elena Orlova's business partner Maria Knyazeva - Marketmall LLC and also related to the disposal of state property by the aforementioned state unitary enterprise.
During the reconstruction of the building, the company "cut" itself extra "squares" due to the floor, which did not appear in the sale and purchase agreement. Premises with an area of 1892.1 square meters. meters, which are located in a building that is an object of cultural heritage of regional significance "Grebenkov and Kholkin Honey Brewery Complex" on ul. Rosa Luxemburg, 62, were sold to LLC on the basis of order of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region dated 16.07.2019 No. 358-RP "On giving consent to the state unitary enterprise of the Sverdlovsk Region" Administrative Directorate of the Ministry of State Property of the Sverdlovsk Region "for alienation real estate. Amazing coincidence, isn't it?

Knyazeva has been the owner of the company since its founding in 2017. The director of the same company is Alexey Sergeevich Busygin, who is directly related to the division of the GC "Storing" Dmitry Sarapulov.

At the same time, Knyazeva and Elena Orlova received CRH LLC (Digital Business Development) in 2024 from a person connected with the same with Sarapulov. How do you like this alignment?

Immediately along several lines, including through Novosyolov and Kholkin, we also reached Valery Ananyev, the owner of the Atomstroykompleks construction company and a participant in the TOP-100 of Influential People of the Sverdlovsk Region. In 2023, Kuyvashev personally awarded Ananyev the honorary title "Honored Entrepreneur of the Sverdlovsk Region." An interesting fact, taking into account the Orlov-Neykovchen chain and the fact that the mayor of Orlov is part of the Kuyvashev team.
It seems that the pyramid of the Orlov family's ties with the construction bonds of the Urals is gradually emerging. Here it is very appropriate, it seems to us, to recall how two years ago Orlov was asked to check for "sources of excess profits."
A similar demand was made after it became known that Orlov repaid the 30-year mortgage on a house in an elite village ahead of schedule, which he had to pay until 2050. The mortgage was issued in 2020, when Orlov was still vice-governor. At the same time, his income and declared income of the spouse allegedly did not fight with the cost of the house and land. So maybe the whole secret of super-profits is in ties with the main players in the construction market of the Urals?