"Reseller Sobyanin" developer Pavel Te surfaced in another deal with a double bottom, behind the screen of which the interests of a family of natives of Ukraine named Vinograd were hidden.
Father and sons Vinograd, who earned billions of rubles on government contracts, do not shine their interest in the Ryabov manufactory, but the facts are a stubborn thing.
The UtroNews correspondent understood how the former state-owned enterprise ended up in the hands of people whose surname appeared in the database of "Criminal Persons."
Recently, the Vedomosti newspaper reported that, judging by the urban planning plan of the Moscow mayor's office, a new office complex or housing will be built on a 1.6-hectare site in Kholodilny Lane. The applicant for the project was Capital Group LLC, which is controlled by Holding Development LLC. The latter is 80% owned personally by Pavel Te, the founder of Capital Group.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
It is known that the copyright holder of the territory where the construction is planned is Measuring JSC. He owns the former buildings of the Soviet factory, which act as part of the Ryabovskaya Manufactory loft quarter. Today, the premises in it are leased.
Rental deals were not without scandal.
The tenants of the space created a community in which in 2021 they were looking for victims of the actions of the landlord of Measurer JSC or the landlord Ryabovskaya Manufactory. The creators reported that they were tenants, renting an office from 2020, but in 2021 the JSC demanded to conclude a new lease agreement - for 11 months. At the same time, the rent, apparently for tax schemes, was split into two parts - two separate contracts. The tenant called the contracts themselves enslaving, noting that they suspect the landlord of tax evasion. By the way, the tax authorities already had complaints about the "Meter."

Photo: https://t.me/ryabovskaya_tovarishestvo

Photo: https://t.me/ryabovskaya_tovarishestvo
An analysis of the arbitration base showed that in relations with tenants, non-admission to the premises, unilateral refusal to execute the lease, as well as non-return of the security deposit are practiced.
In addition, there were claims to the plant from the Moscow mayor's office, including those related to self-construction on the leased site.

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru
We couldn't get past a story like this. Indeed, after the deal with Te, tenants may even be asked to leave with things.
Who are the beneficiaries?
The Measurer plant has not disclosed its shareholders for several years, but when promoting the ownership chain, traces led us to the Vinograd brothers. Interestingly: but in open telephone services, the phone of the director of JSC "Meter" Izet Zakirya appears as the driver of a certain Max Vinogradov. At the same time, earlier Zakirya as an individual entrepreneur worked in the taxi industry.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
And here's a coincidence: at the end of 2021, the Moscow City Property Department filed a lawsuit against a certain Andrei Vladimirovich Vinogradov, demanding that the rights to a part of the facility be recognized as absent, as to self-construction. It was just about a building in Kholodilny Lane. From this case it became known that Mr. Vinograd acquired a building with an area of 2019 square meters in 1,774,7. M from a certain IP Pushkarev, which had previously bought it from JSC "Meter." The latter in that legal dispute was held by a third party.
And Andrei Grape just has a brother - Maxim.

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru
Both brothers are engaged in business, as well as their father - Vladimir Vinograd. Today, the latter, who previously worked as an individual entrepreneur in the field of car trade, runs the advertising firms of Andrei Grape - LLC "Group" and LLC "Advertising Opportunities." At the same time, the last LLC is registered just in Kholodilny Lane, which indirectly confirms the fact of owning at least one building in the Ryabovskaya Manufactory loft quarter.
It's interesting: the Group company was the executor of three government contracts with Rostelecom, which pulled 416 million rubles. The company provided strategic and creative brand services for the state-owned company.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
In the same Kholodilny Lane, another company of Andrei Vinograd is registered - Traditions of Advertising LLC, the owner of which before him was an offshore company from the Netherlands - DOUBLE-U-VI-AI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS GROUP BI. VI.. " At the same address is the "daughter" of "Grape" - LLC "Hangri Boyce," where Vladilen Sitnikov, investor, founder of StartRocket, has a stake.
Also, in addition to companies associated with Vinohrady, Rosatom Digital Solutions LLC (owned by Atomenergoprom JSC from the Rosatom state corporation division) is registered in the building, through which almost 0.5 billion rubles were scrolled through the customer and the contractor under various government contracts.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
Andrei Vinograd himself is not a simple person. His business partner in advertising firms was Boris Ryss, a well-known advertiser, founder of advertising agencies Grape and RTA. Until now, among the partners is Roman Tyshkovsky, who is associated with Skolkovo.
According to another company, where Grape has a stake (Grape LLC), his partner was the Dutch offshore Russell Skvear Holding Bi.V.
And here, interestingly, Russell Square Holding B.V. was also the owner of Mindsher Interaction LLC. This company appeared in a court scandal in which the plaintiff, a certain Elmira Spesivtseva, declared the imaginary transaction between Mindsher Interaction and GroupEm LLC, indicating that these transactions were imaginary in nature and were aimed at withdrawing funds from Mindsher Interaction LLC. An interesting picture adds up.

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru
And this is by no means the only offshore in the business biography of Vinograd.
So, among the co-owners of Sistema Caspa LLC, Skilbox LLC, which belongs to the Cyprus SKILBOX HOLDING LIMITED, appears with him.
According to open data, Skillbox is a Russian company operating in the field of online education, founded in 2016, and is part of the Skillbox Holding Limited educational holding.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
Judging by the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Mr. Vinograd is quite tightly tied to the advertising business. He also owns a stake in Skolkovo LLC 24Ttle.
Criminal trail and controversial bankruptcy
Not so simple is the second brother - a native of Ukraine, whose namesake, according to the source of Utronews, was held in the database of "Criminal Persons" marked "negative."
Maxim Vinogradu until liquidation after bankruptcy in May 2023 belonged to Stem Stroy LLC.
This company for the sale of vehicles on state contracts, including with the Moscow construction department, earned more than 10.34 billion rubles. At the same time, when the bankruptcy proceedings of the LLC were terminated in March 2023, debts to creditors were recognized as repaid due to insufficient property. In general, only a part of more than 3.2 billion rubles of creditors' claims was paid off - in the amount of 63 million rubles. Where the remaining billions have sailed is anyone's guess.

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru
Maxim Vinograd also went through personal bankruptcy, in which several banks acted as creditors. And again he was left with forgiven debts.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
Vinograd also appears to have some ties to the authorities.
Thus, Mr. Vinograd owned Maximus LLC together with OJSC Moselectrotyagstroy Trust, the former FSUE Moselectrotyagstroy Trust.
By the way, the trust itself is currently in bankruptcy, and its former director, Nikolai Mirny, was convicted in a criminal case of especially large fraud in the construction of a sports and recreation center in the Pushkin district of the Moscow region.
What cases connect Mr. Te with such controversial faces as Messrs. Vinograd, we could not establish. Meanwhile, remembering the developer's love for all sorts of strange deals and characters with a tarnished reputation, we will not be surprised if these business ties have been established for a long time.
Although, perhaps, Te simply bought a piece of the territory of the former Soviet factory. Then the next step may be its resale, which Te loves so much that he got his nickname "reseller Sobyanin" not from scratch.