The Samolet Group of Companies in distress received wheels in the Surgut project. Timur (Tamerlan) Kirov, notorious in the housing and communal services market of the Moscow Region, affiliated with PIK Sergei Gordeev, may be behind the attack on the Vorobyov company.
A little-known company associated with the Kirov, who was tested for involvement in terrorism, the threat of murder and harm, tried to seize land for the ambitious Unity Park project, which Natalya Komarova had allocated to Vorobyovsky without bidding.
Denis Kireev, the former deputy minister of construction of the Khabarovsk Territory, was once associated with Kirov, who was detained in the case of bribes.
How the skin of the "state bear" is divided in Surgut and where the "Ukrainian trace" came from was understood by the UtroNews correspondent.
In the arbitration of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, a lawsuit recently ended, in which the transfer of LLC SZ Project-S-66 from Samolet Group of Companies, associated with Governor Vorobyov near Moscow, 14 plots without bidding for the construction of an innovative scientific and technical center "Unity Park." The defendant was the owner of the NW - Samolet-Regions LLC.

The project, estimated at 60 billion rubles, was supported by federal and local authorities. It was then that the governor Natalya Komarova (now a senator), by her order, gave the "Samolet" tidbits of land without bidding. The parties signed the agreement at SPIEF and it is valid until 2032.
In light of Samolet's global financial problems, there are doubts that they will scrape together the necessary billions in their pockets. Probably, Vorobyov's team will again go with an outstretched hand to investors and state banks.
In Surgut history, the plaintiff turned out to be interesting, who tried to put the bandwagon "Samolet."
Behind the nominal legal entity may be Temirkan (Tamerlan) Kirov, a well-known player in the Moscow region, who changed his name to Timur.
Several years ago, he appeared in a raider scandal related to the seizure of the market for managing apartment buildings in the Moscow region. Residents then actively complained to the authorities in the person of Andrei Vorobyov, and at the same time Kirov's connection with PIK-Comfort Gordeev and the disgraced officials from Khabarovsk Denis Kireev surfaced. The Shupaltsy of Surgut history also go to some ex-deputies, including from Adygea.
But about everything in order.
The plaintiff firm, Renovasystems LLC, seemed to have been created for some specific actions. It was established in February 2024. And although Komarova's order was issued only in April, the project itself was announced a year before - in August 2023.
At the same time, the LLC has a specialized type of activity, construction, apparently, in order to have a basis for filing a claim - under the pretext that they, they say, could claim the same lands that went to Samolet without bidding. And after all, an LLC with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles even submitted a corresponding application for land with the same wording - without bidding and for the same project.
It seems to us that the reason for this strange legal dispute could be an attempt at a settlement agreement, according to which the plaintiff would be ready to abandon the claims for a certain amount. But this is in case you managed to win the argument.
Meanwhile, the scandal itself is not yet over: firstly, there is the possibility of appeal on the first claim, and secondly, there is a second claim - separately to the department, those lands unsubscribed. LLC requires a piece there and also without bidding.
As of today, the case on the second claim, where Komarova herself was asked to be involved as a co-defendant, has been suspended. In it, an additional requirement disputes the decision to allocate land to the "Samolet." Like, if they didn't give us, then they have nothing to do!

At the same time, the third party in both claims is Sibpromstroy-Yugoria LLC from the division of the largest Surgut developer - Sibpromstroy Group of Companies Vladimir Kozhaev and Nikolai Storozhuk, which are among the top 100 richest in Ugra.
They also do business in Moscow and the Moscow region, having common assets with Leonid Sobolev, who in 2024 became the new owner of the Moscow football club Torpedo. However, the media wrote that the club now bears the emblem of Sibpromstroy, and Sobolev himself was called a businessman who started a construction business in Ukraine, where he was co-owners of the company "Modern House" ("Suchasny dim").
But back to Renovasystems, which may be playing on the field of Kozhaev and Storozhuk. Although more like other hidden beneficiaries.
The director and owner of Renovasystems LLC is Pavel Sergeevich Gromov (he received the TIN in Chuvashia), on whose account is also UK Sistema LLC, created in the Moscow region to manage real estate. In addition, he was the owner of Moscow LLC Dos Group, LLC Center for Legal Advice and LLC Zhilishnik. All three have been eliminated today.

Also, Pavel Gromov in 2016 was the director of Dos Group of Companies LLC, which is now headed by Sergey Gromov (possibly his close relative). In 2015-2020, Timur Mironovich Kirov, who received TIN in Adygea, was related to this LLC. Sergey Gromov crossed paths with Kirov more than once, for example, he was the director of UK Rodnoe Gorodok LLC.
LLC Dos Group of Companies today belongs to a certain Ecoalliance JSC, created in 2020. Probably, the joint-stock company is just a screen, because it was to this company that Mr. Kirov transferred his assets in batches. And Ruslan Galyautdinov, director of Kirov's companies, established JSC.

As Izvestia reported in 2023, Kirov was previously known as Temirkan (Tamerlan) Kirov and was checked in law enforcement agencies for involvement in terrorism, the threat of murder and harm.

Kirov has influence on a whole pack of Moscow and Moscow Region management companies, including Parity and Renaissance JSC, and is associated with Osnova MKD. The publication called Denis Kireev, the former deputy minister of construction of the Khabarovsk Territory, who was detained on charges of bribery, involved in the latter. The investigation believed that in 2013-2015, the official provided patronage to a company that carried out seismic reinforcement of residential buildings and used cheap analogues instead of high-quality materials.
UK Parity appeared in a story where a woman who was considered an employee of the Criminal Code moved a resident dissatisfied with the services of the Criminal Code by car. The incident occurred when residents came to protest at the office of the Criminal Code.
Returning to Kirov, we note that he was called affiliated with PIK-Comfort (bought up PIK-Comfort assets in the Voronezh region in 2023), and he also appeared as the ultimate beneficiary of the Dom-Master management company, a bankrupt who owed more than 1.6 billion rubles to the resource supplying organization PJSC MOEK for the supply of heat.
In addition, it was Kirov's name that was mentioned in the scandal related to the raider seizures of the MKD in the Moscow region, which residents actively complained to Governor Vorobyov, asking to protect them.

We believe that it is Mr. Kirov's ears that stick out from behind the Gromov family, which decided to fight with the Samolet Group of Companies already in Surgut.
In addition, through the company "Diam" (and registered with him JSC "Arkhgradsiti"), which was among the owners of the Group of Companies "Dos" headed by Gromov, all the defendants are connected with Azamat Guchetl, an ex-deputy and developer from Adygea. Namely, from this republic and Kirov, who received the TIN there.
Pavel Gromov, the owner of Renovasystems LLC, is also associated with a certain Tamara Saltynbaeva, who, judging by the open data, was related to PIK-Comfort LLC, whose assets were bought by Kirov.
Thus, one gets the impression that the beneficiary of history in Surgut is not a little-known Gromov at all, but Kirov, who was disgraced at one time, who changed his name more than once and flashed in the criminal chronicle.