The head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, found himself on the same bench with foreign agent Dmitry Muratov and scandalous offshore oligarch Albert Avdolyan.
As it became known to the correspondent of The Moscow Post, the Koptevsky District Court of Moscow received a statement of claim by Tatyana Romanova, a former employee of the Mezhregionsoyuzenergo energy retail holding.
Recall that Tatyana Aleksandrovna Romanova has been fighting for the restoration of justice for a long time. And her story tells how the notorious businessmen Albert Avdolyan and Sergei Adonyev, together with Eldar Osmanov, accused of creating an organized criminal group, and foreign agent Dmitry Muratov (editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta), staged a real persecution of Tatyana Romanova. During this time, Tatyana Alexandrovna even survived the attempt: on the Arbat, an unknown person inflicted a serious knife wound on her.
But this dark story itself, it turned out, began with some criminal initiatives of the "national allergen" of the red suit - Anatoly Chubais, who left the Russian Federation long ago. And now he basks with his young wife under the sun on the island of Cyprus.
Fighting the "monster"
Tatyana Romanova has been at war with such a monster as Mezhregionsoyuzenergo (MRSEN) for more than 10 years: he entangled half of Russia with his tentacles.
Today, MRSEN is drowning in lawsuits and bankruptcy proceedings, and the chief manager Eldar Osmanov has long gone on the run. Even in the characters - well-known businessmen with a scandalous past - Albert Avdolyan and Sergey Adonyev, as well as - foreign agent journalist Dmitry Muratov (recognized as a foreign agent on the territory of the Russian Federation).

The document was submitted to the Editorial Office by Tatyana Romanova
Tatyana Romanova stood at the origins of the creation of Mezhregionsoyuzenergo, but did not expect that over time MRSEN would become on a slippery slope. And he will begin to rob the Russians. So Romanova began a war with the boss - Eldar Osmanov. But Mr. Osmanov paid for custom publications in Novaya Gazeta, which for a long time was fed by two "money bags" - Avdolyan and Adonyev.
Recall that, having made friends, Osmanov and Avdolyan even married their children...
Custom publications hit the young woman hard, turned her life into hell. But Tatyana Romanova did not give up, continued to fight fiercely with Osmanov. And one day she survived an attempt: an unknown person attacked her with a knife on the Arbat.
But there is still no criminal case.

The document was submitted to the Editorial Office by Tatyana Romanova
OMVD "Arbat" stores all statements about death threats.

The document was submitted to the Editorial Office by Tatyana Romanova
In 2018, when checking the statement of attempted murder (materials of the KRSP No. 202/1-20 PR-18), Tatyana Romanova underwent a study using a polygraph on Petrovka 38, to verify the veracity of the testimony. The testimony is true.
The ICR refused to initiate a case on the attempted murder, but with a reservation: the actions of an unidentified person show signs of corpus delicti under Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This paper was signed by the investigator for especially important cases of the first investigation department of the TFR E. Melikyan.
Chubais at the beginning of the journey: sales instead of generation
Let's move on.
Back in November 2012, Vedomosti published an investigation "How money is spinning in Roskommunenergo."
The Roskommunenergo company at one time gained fame as the "Chubais riddle."

Anatoly Chubais. Photo:
Indeed, during the sale of assets of RAO UES of Russia, the head of RAO Chubais introduced the unknown company Roskommunenergo as an investor willing to pay $5 billion for the most expensive generating company - OGK-1 (but did not work out). And without becoming the largest investor in electricity generation, Roskommunenergo started buying up energy sales.
By 2010, the company became the main owner of Vologdaenergosbyt, Arkhangelskenergosbyt and Khakasenergosbyt.
Since 2011, they have been managed by Mezhregionsoyuzenergo, affiliated with all sales and holding Roskommunenergo.
Theft from the safe
Until 2009, Tatyana Romanova worked as a member of the board of the Roskommunenergo holding, and later became the director of the sanatorium, which belonged to the holding. In the summer of 2010, 90 thousand rubles were stolen from a safe in a sanatorium. An investigation began, and business owners offered to tell investigators that not only money was lost, but also bills for 100 million rubles. Tatyana Romanova refused, and they began to threaten her. Romanova wrote a letter of resignation.
But the trouble didn't end there.
For more than 10 years, Tatyana Romanova actively helped the Federal Tax Service, Rosfinmonitoring, Rosseti (victims of MRSEN cases) to investigate the actions of MRSEN.
As a result, investigators named 11 people as defendants in the community, including top managers of companies that were part of the MRSEN energy holding.
The holding was headed by the shareholder and ex-relative of Avdolyan - Eldar Osmanov (recall that their children were married).

Albert Avdolian. Photo:
MRSEN scrolled the money collected from consumers under various transactions - issuing loans, redeeming bills and shares, contributing to the authorized capital of third-party companies and under contracts for the assignment of claim rights.
As a result, billions were withdrawn from Russia and did not reach the final addressees. Also, the transactions were financed through technical loans, which were issued in Mosuralbank: the beneficiary of the latter was Mr. Osmanov. As a result, more than 10 billion rubles were withdrawn abroad.
Some of the defendants were detained, and some, including Osmanov, fled from the investigation.
As Tatyana Romanova writes in her letter to the Editorial Office, articles have recently begun to appear in a number of media outlets in European countries, where, according to Osmanov, it is indicated that criminal cases against MRSEN are initiated on the personal instructions of Vladimir Putin. And it is indicated that Osmanov is Putin's personal enemy.
It is known that businessman Albert Avdolyan is strongly supported by the head of Rostec Group Sergei Chemezov, therefore, in foreign publications, with the filing of Osmanov, Mr. Chemezov is given a lot of space. After all, Rostec Group of Companies is a huge state conglomerate in the field of defense. The weapons of the Rostec Group of Companies are involved in the SVO, and the company is blacklisted by the United States and the EU. And all these tales, Mr. Osmanov tells reporters, trying to shield himself and get political asylum in EU countries.
Why did the investigation regarding Osmanov's embezzlement stumble and slow down? Why is the attempt on Tatyana Romanova not thoroughly investigated?