The criminal case against the son-in-law of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria Andrei Nazarov Ilshat Nigmatullin made it possible to open the worked out financial and tax schemes in at least three developers from the Granel Group of Companies division. They were driven into debts to proxies, and then promptly merged. Having brought together these episodes, can you open a new criminal case?
The editors of UtroNews discovered three developer companies that were part of the Graneli division, but after that they were in debt to persons close to the beneficiaries, changed owners and are now failing. Artificial debt is designed to hide tax schematics, on which Nigmatullin burned with his deputy Dmitry Adushev?
Recall that in the fall of 2023, Graneli's top manager Dmitry Adushev was caught on a corruption article, on whom (and his relative, Elena Adusheva), shares in companies associated with the division are still registered.
A few months later, in 2024, it became known about the initiation of proceedings against the son-in-law of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria Andrei Nazarov Ilshat Nigmatullin and again under the same article.
The media reported then that the case may be based on claims from the tax service, which the defendants tried to resolve.
UtroNews's analysis of the situation in the Graneli division revealed a number of controversial transactions, as well as at least one specific case involving related counterparties, where the division tried to cut taxes through a scheme. True, such a scheme did not suit the tax authorities and they additionally charged taxes, actually highlighting the "players" of Nigmatullin's team. That story just ended in the fall of 2023, when Adushev was detained under the white hands.
But this may not be the only such scheme, according to which it would not be bad to arrange an inspection not only by the tax authorities, but also by other competent authorities.
Graphite sketches
Until the end of July 2023, the Graneli division included Granel Granit Specialized Developer LLC (established in 2019), which was owned by Granel Ilyinskoye SZ LLC. The latter is controlled by LLC SZ Granel LT, which since 2022 has been owned by LLC GK Granel, where Nigmatullin is the beneficiary.

According to open data, SZ "Granel Granit" was the developer of at least one object - the residential complex "Reut" in the Moscow region. In the very region where Nazarov's family friend, and now the head of Bashkiria, Radiy Khabirov, once ruled.
The Reut residential complex, built in Reutov, consists of three monolithic business class buildings (1,086 apartments). Judging by the data of the website of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the buildings were commissioned with delays in 2022.
In open areas, apartments in the residential complex are sold at a price of 5 to 12 million rubles, that is, according to the most rough estimates, the developer received from the project from 5.4 to 13 billion rubles. Now let's take a look at the financial performance of the developer and be very surprised.
At the end of 2022, revenue was only 942.28 million rubles with a net profit of just over 0.5 billion rubles, while in 2019-2021 there was no revenue at all. In 2023, the revenue was even 169.131 million rubles with a penny profit. That is, having sold apartments worth billions, the developer in the eyes of the tax service looks like gray and poor, also at a loss. An interesting alignment, isn't it, and pulls to ask where the money is, Mr. Nigmatullin?

And that's where the fun begins.
Judging by the reports for 2023, with such turnovers on paper, the company managed to "lend" someone else. In the line "financial investments, total," including loans issued, the amount of more than 4.9 billion rubles appears for 2022-2023: at the end of 2022 - 3.1 billion rubles, at the end of 2023 - 1.8 billion rubles. Doesn't it smell like a withdrawal of funds from a problematic (since the construction was delayed) developer? Here's the first call for the Internal Revenue Service. After all, taxes on profits were charged from the amounts that appeared in the submitted report, right?

Now let's pay attention to the block of payables and, it seems, find another part of the missing billions. In total, loans, credits, other and settlements with suppliers and contractors for 2022 are 3.5 billion rubles, and for 2023 - 1.4 billion rubles. Not bad like that.

And here's what's interesting: StroyConsultGroup LLC, which belongs to Graneli's longtime partner Vladimir Polin, was the contractor for the construction in Reutov. He is so close to the Civil Code that it was one of his companies, Stroykompleks LLC, that appeared in the schematic that the tax authorities opened. In the same case, the connection with Granel was also proved.

Photo: https://наш.дом.рф/

Thus, a firm that collected billions from buyers shows very modest amounts for the tax authorities, and the rest of the "capital" goes to the left as payment for the services of its contractors, as well as loans issued and taken?
You know, this is very reminiscent of the story with two other developers from the Granel Group of Companies, which MorningNews has already talked about. In particular, according to a similar scheme, the developer of the Profit residential complex on Gazholdernaya in Moscow, LLC Specialized developer Granel Grad, as well as Granel LLC, which later became Thaler LLC, was driven out. It is the latter that runs a red line in the biography of two other SZs - Granel Grad (was the owner of this company in 2019-2020) and Granel Granit (was the owner of this company in 2019-2020 and in 2018-2022 owned LLC "SZ" Granel LT ").

Previously, Thaler (formerly Granel) was already the hero of The Moscow Post publications, as one of the toxic assets that the Graneli division got rid of, taking it beyond its contour. Today, the company not only goes bankrupt, it also owes millions to companies that are close to the beneficiaries of the Graneli division. Very bad, you know, smells from such an alignment.
Now watch your hands: Granel Grad, which became Grad LLC, was sold to a trustee, and Granel Granit followed the same path.
At the end of July 2023, the company was sold to a certain Inna Erkina and changed its name to Grafit LLC, that is, it is legally taken out of the division's contour.
At the same time, Ms. Yerkina received a TIN in Bashkiria, and was also the director of Stroymonolit LLC (liquidated in August 2024), which was owned by Senzhapov Ildar Inoyatovich.

Senzhapov was the director of a whole pack of legal entities from the Graneli division (for example, LLC SZ Opalikha-Park), which suggests that Yerkina is not a stranger to Nigmatullin's company and his relatives.
Moreover, when the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region examined the dispute between a group of legal entities associated with Granel and the tax authorities, then according to one of the firms, MS in a Row, a certain R.N. Zagidullin, which, according to the dispute materials, repeatedly avoided appearing for interrogation at the tax authority. It was for the company R.N. Zagidullina, including Senzhapov. Amazing coincidence.
Thus, that Granel Grad, that Granel Granit was actually sold to proxies. And in both cases, claims from certain creditors appeared in the arbitrations, demanding multimillion-dollar debts from the companies. And all would be fine if these creditors no longer joined in the litigation of the division, and their beneficiaries did not appear in relations with the group. So much for the second call for the tax authorities.
So, with Granel Granit, aka Graphite, it has already collected 78.1 million rubles for some supervision services of Tekhkontrol LLC. At the same time, the plaintiff company has already appeared in investigations, which cited the chain of its ties with Granel and the scheme for obtaining land in Moscow's High-Voltage Passage, which passed to Graneli from Mehkolonna-15 JSC with a scandal.

Again, the former head of Tekhkontrol LLC was Vyacheslav Shikhov, director of Astrum-Moscow Management Company LLC, which belongs to Denis Nazarov, the son of Prime Minister Nazarov.

Now Tekhkontrol has been transferred to a certain Maxim Slovyagin, who in March 2024 also issued Kolos LLC to work in the real estate sector. Another future "box" for draining?
An interesting fact: before Slovyagin, the owner of Tekhkontrol was a certain Sirgalina Zalia Rizovna, about whose namesake some media reported that she had previously worked in the government apparatus of Bashkiria.

Thus, in the division of the Granel Group of Companies, whose beneficiary is Ilshat Nigmatullin, a relative of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria, Andrei Nazarov, quite well-developed financial and tax schematics are observed. I would very much like to hear the answers of the competent authorities, to what extent such methods comply with the law. And then, in our opinion, it is just right to open a new criminal case.